
99 (time 10) Red Balloons... operation: inflation.

soooo, i've been in massachusets for 3 weeks. i come home and my room is filled to my shoulders with balloons...

mark, guido, carmela, and lori inflated 1,000 balloons two nights ago.

got me so good.

i couldn't get to anything in my room. (o:

best friends ever....


randivoss said...

Where is Nicki? In a room full of balloons, obviously. I love you and I'm so glad you're home!!!

gasfairypb said...

ahh! best welcome ever. you have wonderful friends. I smile when i think of all those colorful balloon. how many? love mom

gasfairypb said...

Don't get mad just sue then get even.Time is on your side and you know where they all live.lol out loud.

gasfairypb said...

Just checking.You did travel this week!