
one little thing

Oh man, I can’t believe I forgot to write about this in my last post. When I was at the cu chi tunnels… I shot an AK47!!!! I bought 10 bullets and messed up some rabbit targets they had set up there. The gun was mounted in the front so no one could turn around and shoot someone next to them. The only other large gun I’ve ever fired was a shot gun. I guess not many people get a chance to shoot an AK 47 so I was super excited about it. Even with ear protection, the guns were super loud. I have no idea if the military provides ear plugs, but they should. I could imagine how your ear drums would never recover after being around gunshots for a long amount of time. Even from 400 yards away from the firing range, you could still clearly hear what was going on. That’s all! Love you all!!

Ps, We’ll see who regularly checks my blog because this is a surprise post that I’m sure no one was expecting


Anonymous said...

Look who's first. Coming on strong in the fourth

gasfairypb said...

Oh great......First rye post's first then we'll probably loose kristofer to Viet Nam because of the AK-47. And by rhe way Rye,don't you have a job that you should be teaching at,at 8:02 .I have definately got to get out of this time zone Signed it is realy 5 AM but it is 8 on the clock Poppabear

Anonymous said...

I don't understand the time zone thing either. But if its between 7am and 3pm on a weekday in usual standard time (U.S.T.), I do not have anything to do. S.V. is taking pssa tests this week, so i'm hiding to avoid responsibility. Let me tell you Rich, I'm an extremely talented hider. When i was younger and we'd play, no one would ever find me! Even when i would hide some place obvious and try to be found so i could try to outrun the seeker,they still never saw me. A lot of the times I hid so well that they would give up and go inside to play video games. AHH, good times. . . Anyway the years of quiet corners and out of the way cupboards helped me to develop phantom-like stealth and a quiet footstep.

mark said...

dont let him lay that rap on you poppa bear! he cant hide for shit! riddle me this creeper, how does one develop a quiet footstep and phantom like stealth huddled up in a cupboard?

randivoss said...

I think Ryan gained hiding skills from a deer video circa 1989.

Anonymous said...

well mark,
to be a great hider one has choose more than one spot in case the trail becomes hot. it takes a swift and silent movement to dash between these spaces. and to randi, i did learn a lot from the swift and sure footed white-tail. The training video was only a glipse inside the complex relationship that i built with the species.

Anonymous said...

I never know what's going on in these posts...ever. =o(

gasfairypb said...

rye....I don't want to be the one to break it to you ,but when you were little, did your parents and friends always want to play games like hide and seek and you were hide.Or lets see who can keep quiet the longest and my favorite ,Let see who can punch each other the softest,and you go first.Have you ever figured out why you always won. I guess it's because you were the best.Poppabear

Anonymous said...

NICKI GOT TO SHOOT AN AK-47 BEFORE ME!! LUCKY! Miss you Nicki. Someone tell me what size hat Nicki wears so I can order her cap and gown...

gasfairypb said...

kristofer....Don't you read the blog.....The gown was already purchased in Viet Nam and the cap size is Steelers....Da I will find out for you since some other people don't blog

gasfairypb said...

kristofer.....Denise said she got something in the mail from Cal yesterday about cap and gown .She said nicki needs a small.Pb

gasfairypb said...

Now's your chance to post first if Nicki delivers a new post.I am going for a ride with my fourth daughter.We will spend the afternoon togather.I think a afternoon at the park ,then some quality time at the car wash and maybe even a oil change, then on to a burger joint and listen to the penguin game would be OK. Now that I have sent my third daughter a postcard and a e mail and took my second daughter to lunch yesterday I can go spend time with my fourth daughter ,guilt free. .See you later poppabear.

mark said...

i don't mean to pry but couldn't help but wonder.. who is daughter number one?

gasfairypb said...

Mark.....My first daughter was delivered on my door step in June of 1975.From the time I first set eyes on her,we were insepterable.We went everywhere together.When she got a little older ,I couldn't play tennis,basketball,football,racket ball or watch steeler football without her (yea she was a real sports junkie).As time went on,all my friends couldn't get along without her.She was a real social butterfly;you couldn't hold a event without inviting miss popular.It didn't matter what the ocassion,my daughter was there,my bachlor party and wedding,super bowl parties,communions,graduations,she was always there.Even as I got older and started to slow down a bit,she stayed loyal to me.Sad to say ,all she does now is sit in my basement and watch my Fransiskoner and look after my tomatoes and basil and beans.Maybe next year the christmas card will be of my beer mister,randi,nicki,and my corvette.......All four of my daughters in one picture...PB.

Anonymous said...

Rich, your the man. Today was my first day at norwin and I didn't get cursed out once. It's unsettling how well behaved the students are. On a bad note, their internet has more blocks that Hakeem Olajuwon, so i cannot access any of my email accounts, online games or images, and worst of all this blog from 7-3.

gasfairypb said...

Rye....Past statistical data base indicates that nicki doesn't blog between 7&3.I think you are safe as long as her time zones don't over lap that window.If you start getting bronze and silver consistantly between 7&3 you might consider asking the school board to move up or down class room times.